Hi Everyone!!
So I was laying in bed on a lazy Saturday morning and I thought I would check out my emails to see if anything new had arrived. I opened my emails and sitting there waiting for me was a lovely email from Craft Blog UK (a site where you can find hundreds of craft bloggers).
The email was all about a campaign they are working on with Save the Children and Craftivist Collection as part of the Race Against Hunger Campaign.
What they are asking people to do to get involved is to use there crafty imagination to create a jigsaw piece that will be brought together to create a giant art sculpture in the spring. Each piece will be embroidered or painted with a positive or provocative message about the issue.
Crafters are encouraged to make 3 pieces -
1.One to keep to remind them to be part of the solution and not the problem.
2.One to send to be a part of the big jigsaw puzzle, so we can make a huge impact when they are all put together.
3.One to send or give to their MP, because the fact is hunger is a political issue with a political solution.
I'm so excited about getting started and would love it if other people would get involved too. What could be better than making something that will do good in the world??
I have a few ideas flying round at the moment...You could do anything crafty, really use your imagination.
If you want to get involved you can insert the image I have at the top and bottom of this page onto your blog to show your support (message me for the html code), tweet or instagram about it with #imapiece and it will be shared on their hub website, make a jigsaw and craft away, or all three!!
Click here to download the jigsaw templae if you have heard everything you need to and want to get started.
Watch the youtube video below which will explain all about what you have to do:
Or for more info click the below which will take you to the site:
Thanks for reading and watch this space for my jigsaw pieces!!!
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